
JCC Schools Swear in New Board Members

Tue 1-7-2025

(Jackson) Four members of the Jackson County Central School Board took the Oath of Office at Monday nights re organizational meeting. Tina Polz and Troy Schultz are incumbents while Betty Hargan and Corey Hanson are joining the board after winning November's election.  All of the elected 2025 School Board Officers were approved by a unanimous vote.

Board Chair - Tina Polz

Vice Chair - Betty Hargan

Clerk - Rhonda Moore

Treasurer - Levi Lucht


Shelly Condon, Brittany Christensen, Emily Anderson, and Molly Snyders were recently honored at a board meeting for exemplifying JCC's Core Values: Integrity, Passion, Unity, and Engagement. Nominated by their peers and chosen by a selection committee, these individuals have demonstrated outstanding commitment to these principles. Let us continue to celebrate and uphold the values that define our community at JCC!

Past recipients are on the school website at