
City of Lakefield Holds Organizational Meeting

Tue 1-7-2025

(Lakefield) The Lakefield City Council held their organizational meeting on Monday and administered their oath of offices. Stephen Condon was sworn in as Mayor while Brent Pavelko and Jeff Paplow were sworn in as city council members.  Preston Mix was sworn in as a police officer. Fire chief will be Tim Baumann, Assistant Fire Chief is Tanner McClain, second assistant and training officer is Cody Poelaert, Secretary Treasurer Kyle Reasoner, SCBA/Equipment officer is Ryan Timko and Safey officer will be Tim Krueger.

Elsie Kruger will be the director of the ambulance service, Katie Johson is assistant director and training officer, Desiree Zelink will serve as secretary and handle scheduling while Alvin Schultz will be in charge of vehicle maintenance. The Lakefield Ambulance reported that they had 18 calls in the month of December and 210 calls for 2024. They received a check from the State of MN for 81,085.71 from Emergency Funding Aid and that amount needs to be used or encumbered by the end of 2025